Why Project Planning and Control with Primavera P6 versus traditional Oracle Primavera P102 and P106 courses

Mastering Primavera P6: Practical planning and control Training vs Traditional Oracle P102, P106 Courses

Are you a project manager, or project planner looking to enhance your Primavera P6 skills? Here’s why Project Planning and Control with Primavera P6 is adapted to current project needs, versus traditional Oracle Primavera P102 and P106 courses.:

Key Additions in Ecostar Plan’s Training Agenda

1. Practical Industry Experience:

  • In Plus vs. P102 and P106: Ecostar Plan’s training is structured to combine software concepts with practical industry experience. This hands-on approach ensures that learners can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios effectively.

2. Advanced Project Performance Reporting:

  • In Plus vs. P102, P106, 800, and 802: Ecostar Plan includes detailed modules on generating various project performance reports and analyzing them for better project control. This includes cost variance reports and S-Curve (Cost-Time-Scope) analysis, which are crucial for advanced project management.

3. Use of Project Weighting:

  • In Plus vs. P102 and P106: Unique to Ecostar Plan, this module teaches the use of project weighting to measure performance, which is a sophisticated technique for better project estimation and control.

4. Enhanced Resource Management:

  • In Plus vs. P102 and 802: Ecostar Plan’s agenda offers extensive training on defining roles and resources, setting resource calendars, and advanced resource allocation techniques. This ensures that learners can manage resources efficiently to meet project demands.

5. Flexible and Interactive Learning Formats:

  • In Plus vs. P102, P106, 800, and 802: Ecostar Plan offers training in various formats, including in-person, live online, and self-paced e-learning modules. This flexibility caters to different learning preferences and schedules, enhancing accessibility for busy professionals.

6. Adapted Project Examples:

  • In Plus vs. P102, P106, 800, and 802: Ecostar Plan adapts the training project example to the client’s industry and specific projects. This ensures that the training is practical and suited to the client’s needs, unlike other providers that use standard, non-specific examples.

7. Comprehensive Curriculum Coverage:

  • In Plus vs. P102 and 802: Ecostar Plan covers the full spectrum of Primavera P6 functionalities, from basic to advanced, ensuring that learners gain a complete understanding of the software.

Comparison with Official Oracle P102 and P106 Training

The official Oracle P102 and P106 training courses provide foundational and advanced knowledge of Primavera P6. However, they follow a more rigid curriculum that may not be updated as frequently, potentially leaving learners with outdated information. Additionally, these courses often do not emphasize the latest international standards such as PMBoK 7th edition, and their post-training support is generally less extensive.

  • P102: Primavera P6 Professional Fundamentals: This course leads participants through the entire project life cycle but lacks the in-depth focus on advanced project performance reporting and practical industry experience offered by Ecostar Plan.
  • P106: Primavera P6 Professional Advanced: While this course covers advanced topics, it does not offer the same level of interactive and flexible learning formats or the use of adapted project examples specific to the client’s industry.

Led by Seasoned PPM Consultants

Unlike standard courses, Ecostar Plan’s Primavera P6 training is conducted by experienced senior PPM (Project Portfolio Management) consultants. These industry veterans bring a wealth of real-world expertise to the virtual classroom, ensuring participants receive insights that go beyond textbook knowledge.

Real Project, Real Learning

One of the standout features of this course is its use of actual client projects as training material. Say goodbye to generic, hypothetical scenarios. Instead, UK professionals can dive into authentic project data, mirroring the complexities they’ll face in their own work environments.

Comprehensive 5-Day (4h/day) structure

While many UK providers offer 3-day courses, Ecostar Plan extends the learning experience to 5 days, 4h/day. This expanded timeframe allows for deeper learning and exploration of Primavera P6’s capabilities, from basic functions to advanced features like S-curve analysis.

Practical, Hands-On Approach

With a 30% theory and 70% practical split, this course emphasises learning by doing. This hands-on methodology is particularly beneficial for UK project managers looking to immediately apply their newfound skills in sectors like construction, engineering, and infrastructure.

Comprehensive Curriculum

The course covers a wide range of topics, ensuring participants gain a holistic understanding of Primavera P6:

  • Software overview and navigation
  • Creating and defining projects
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) creation
  • Activity types and relationships
  • Resource and cost loading
  • Scheduling and levelling
  • Tracking progress
  • Reporting and layouts
  • Advanced features like S-curve analysis

This comprehensive approach potentially eliminates the need for separate fundamental and advanced courses.

Industry-Specific Focus

The course content is tailored to various industries prevalent in the UK, including:

  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Oil and gas
  • Infrastructure
  • Manufacturing

This targeted approach ensures that participants learn skills directly applicable to their specific sector, enhancing the relevance of the training.

Flexible Learning Options for UK Professionals

Catering to the diverse needs of UK project managers, Ecostar Plan offers virtual classroom sessions via Microsoft Teams. This online format provides flexibility without compromising on interactive learning, a crucial factor in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Industry-Specific Focus

The course content is tailored to various industries prevalent in the UK, including construction, engineering, and oil and gas. This targeted approach ensures that participants learn skills directly applicable to their specific sector.


While the classical Oracle Primavera p6 P102, P106, 800, and 802 courses have long been the standard for Primavera P6 training, Ecostar Plan’s offering presents a compelling alternative. Its comprehensive approach, practical application, alignment with PMBoK 7th edition, and flexible learning options make it the superior choice for project management professionals in the UK.

Additionally, by adapting the training project examples to the specific industry and needs of the client, Ecostar Plan ensures a highly relevant and practical learning experience.

By choosing Ecostar Plan, learners gain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that can be immediately applied in their professional roles, ensuring a higher return on investment and better project outcomes.

With its extended duration, comprehensive curriculum, practical focus, and flexible pricing, it provides a robust option for professionals seeking to master Primavera P6. As project management continues to evolve, such innovative training approaches may become increasingly valuable in preparing professionals for real-world challenges.

For UK project managers seeking to elevate their Primavera P6 skills, Ecostar Plan’s training offers a compelling alternative to traditional courses. With its experienced instructors, real-world project focus, and UK-centric approach, this course is set to redefine Primavera P6 training in Britain. Whether you’re in London, Manchester, or Edinburgh, this virtual course brings expert-led, practical Primavera P6 training right to your doorstep.

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